Going solar helps the environment
Our planet is a fantastic place that allows us to generate energy from our sun. That is why we strive to make rooftop residential solar the primary source of electricity generation in America. Each home that goes solar can help contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, pollution, and reliance on fossil fuels.

Did you know?
According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the average U.S. household generates 11,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year. 79% of U.S. energy is generated by coal, natural gas, and petroleum, releasing 4.8 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions.* That’s equivalent to the CO2 emissions from charging 578,841 smartphones or driving 11,812 miles in a gas-powered vehicle.
That’s a lot of carbon emissions. Now multiply that by more than 120 million U.S. households and, quickly, carbon emissions can get out of hand.
*based on the Environmental Protection Agency’s greenhouse gas equivalencies calculator and the EIA’s estimate of single-household energy use for one year
Why do carbon dioxide emissions matter?
Carbon dioxide is essential to the planet’s well-being. Without it, the Earth would be freezing all the time. But, by using fossil fuels to power our homes, humans have accelerated the rate at which the planet is being warmed. In fact, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are higher today than they have ever been in human history (climate.gov). Energy demands will continue to grow, but CO2 levels don’t have to. By producing your energy using renewable sources, like solar, you can lower the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere and contribute to a healthier planet for all.

The Earth is Suffering
Climate change is a big discussion in today’s political and social conversations. The continued release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, caused by burning fossil fuels for energy, has significantly caused global temperatures to rise. But, global warming is not the only impact we make. The Earth’s oceans, forests, and other natural habitats are being devastated. If humans continue to burn fossil fuels as their main source of energy, these climatic changes will only worsen.

The global sea level has risen 8-9 inches since 1880. The average rate of the rising sea level has increased by 2.5x in the past 25 years (climate.gov).

In February 2022, a new UCLA-led study found that the 22-year-long southwest North American mega-drought is the region’s driest in at least 1,200 years (drought.gov).

Of the 20 largest fires in California’s history, eight have occurred in the past three years. (ca.gov)

From 2010-Present, 8.8 million Americans have been affected by natural disasters (ourworldindata)
The Environmental Impact of Solar Power
In Freedom Forever’s first 10 years, we installed enough kilowatts of solar power to offset* over 1,630,000 metric tons of Carbon Dioxide per year. This is equivalent to (EPA):

tons of waste recycled instead of landfilled.

tree seedlings grown for 10 years.

incandescent lamps switched to LED’s.
… and counting.
*Based on Freedom Forever’s total kilowatts installed, operating for 12 hours of sunlight per day:
A smaller carbon footprint starts here
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We understand why you go solar. And it’s not to give the electric company more of your money! That’s why Freedom Forever is here for you. You get 25-years of guaranteed production from the sun and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time. It’s that simple.
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