
Freedom Forever is bringing solar power to Illinois

Freedom Forever is coming to Illinois and we're bringing solar savings! Beginning in June, homeowners in Illinois will be able to go solar with confidence, thanks to our 25-year production guarantee! Illinois is offering some of the best incentives to go solar in the nation. The…

How many solar panels does it take to power a house

You can determine how many solar panels it would take to power your house by gathering some basic information and using a free tool provided by Google called Project Sunroof. Or you can do it the easy way and hire a pro to do it for…

Solar panels vs. solar roof: Which is better

Are solar roof tiles a better investment than solar panels? That could be the case if you need to replace your roof if you insist on maximum curb appeal. Otherwise, you're most likely to get the highest return on your investment from solar panels

10 things you should know before installing solar panels

By asking yourself these 10 things you should know about before you go solar, you'll better be able to talk to your solar power dealer, solar power installers and others who are involved in the solar power installation process. By asking the right questions you get…

How does a grid-tied solar system work

Grid-tied solar is the most popular options for homeowners going solar. The homeowner's solar system is connected to the grid. During the day, the system generates power which is fed through the home's meter into the grid. This either reduces or eliminates the amount the homeowner…

How zero-down financing works for solar systems

Freedom Forever offers several zero down financing options for going solar. You can finance your system with a zero down loan. We also offer excellent rates for solar leases and PPA solar plans for those who don't want to take out a loan. Regardless of your…

Grid-tied solar vs off-grid: Which is the better investment

Many homeowners dream of going off-grid. But does going off grid make financial sense? The short answer is: Not yet. For now, you get the greatest return on investment by going with a grid-tied solar system. In fact batteries only make sense for homeowners who pay…

Residential solar panels: Pros and cons

Solar panels have many pros and just a few cons. Thankfully, with smart planning, the cons can be minimized or avoided. Going solar is an excellent investment in your home that pays dividends in energy savings for decades to come. This article will help you get…

What is the return on investment of a solar system

Calculating your return on investment for going solar is fairly straightforward. You'll need to get information from your utility bill, and find out about state and local incentives in your area. Essentially, the amount you now pay for electricity represents your potential return on investment when…

Home solar power can help prevent wildfires

Home solar power can save you lots of money on utility bills. But did you know that it could also save your home and even your life? It's true! Home solar power can help eliminate dangerous electrical transmission lines that spark deadly wildfires. Home solar power…

Freedom Forever joins Solar Rights Alliance

Home solar power is an important part of California's plan to go 100% renewable. It's time for Sacramento and the utility companies to treat home solar that way. Lobbyists have worked for year to advance the interests of utility company investors. It's time for someone to…

PG&E Bankruptcy will hit ratepayers and home solar hard

PG&E filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Jan. 29th 2019 due to wildfires caused by their equipment. Ratepayers will bear the brunt of court awards