Autumn is coming in California, that means warm days, cool night’s, pumpkin spice latte at your favorite cafe. Unfortunately, it also means Santa Ana winds are coming, and with California wildfire season already underway, a high risk of electrical transmission-line sparked wildfires. Thanks to that heightened risk, autumn in California also means that public safety power shutdowns are coming. These intentional blackouts can last for days, and will no doubt plunge millions of people into darkness. That is why fall is a good time to install home batteries in California.

You may be able to install home batteries in California for free
The state of California wants to help those homeowners who are most severely affected by public safety power shutdowns. Those homeowners may be able to get their batteries installed for free. To provide that help, the state is making billions of dollars available to it’s Self Generation Incentive Program (SGIP).
Every homeowner who installs home batteries is eligible for a per-kilowatt-hour installed capacity rebate from the SGIP. The amount of rebate you are eligible for depends largely on where your home is located:
- $1,000 – High fire risk, public safety power shutdowns, or for well water
- $850 – Resale restrictions and disadvantaged communities
- Rebate depends on current rebate tier – Everyone else
Consumers should look into the SGIP program themselves before making any decisions. For official information on the SGIP program, click here.
Freedom Forever can provide whole-home battery backup
There is no upper limit to the size of the battery system you install. If you are located in an area that had multi-day public safety power shutdowns last year, you may want to consider whole-home battery backup.
Freedom Forever installs the Tesla Powerwall. The Powerwall can be “stacked” which means you can add as many modules as you need to reach the kilowatt-hour capacity you need to backup your entire home. The generous SGIP incentives available now are the main reason why fall is a good time to install batteries in California.