California SGIP can make home batteries nearly free

July 27, 2020 | 3min read

Have you been affected by California’s public safety power shutdowns? Do you get your water from a well that requires electricity to operate? If so, the State of California has some nearly free home batteries you might be interested in. Eligible homeowners in high fire-risk areas may be eligible for a $1,000 per kilowatt-hour of installed battery capacity incentive. Other homeowners that live in financially disadvantaged communities may be eligible for an $850 per kilowatt-hour incentive.

Consumers should look into the SGIP program themselves before making any decisions. For official information on the SGIP program, click the link below:

$1000 SGIP Incentive: High fire risk and Public Safety Power Shutdowns

Homeowners in designated high fire risk areas that have been affected by Public Safety Power Shutdowns at least twice in the last 12 months may be eligible for the $1,000 per kilowatt-hour SGIP incentive program. Plus one of the following criteria must be met:

  • The home must be on well water that needs electricity to pump.
  • Household participates in California’s Single-family Affordable Solar Homes (SASH) or Disadvantaged Communities (DAC-SASH). Click here to find out if your home is in a disadvantaged community
  • You are currently enrolled in a utility Medical Baseline Program
  • You’ve notified your utility of a serious illness or life-threatening condition.

The incentive could make installing home batteries free or nearly free, depending on your circumstances. The $1,000 per kilowatt-hour incentive is called the Equity Resiliency program. This incentive is intended to ensure that homeowners in high fire risk areas that are impacted by Public Safety Power Shutdowns are at the front of the line for state energy resiliency funds.

There is no upper limit to the battery capacity you can get. If you want enough battery capacity to provide backup for your entire household, that’s allowed under the SGIP.

$850 SGIP Incentive: Resale restrictions and disadvantaged communities

Resale restrictions are conditions placed on a property that is intended to preserve affordable housing. These restrictions may limit the occupancy or use of the land to low or moderate-income persons. They can also restrict how much a property may be sold for. A home may also be eligible for the $850 SGIP incentive if that household participates in California’s Single-family Affordable Solar Homes (SASH) or Disadvantaged Communities (DAC-SASH). You may also be eligible if your home is located in California Indian Country.

Freedom Forever carries the Tesla Powerwall

If you are thinking about going solar or adding batteries to your existing solar system, Freedom can help. We carry the Tesla Powerwall, which can be configured to fit your energy needs. Keep in mind that home batteries can potentially save you money on high peak evening rate hours in addition to providing power to your home in a blackout. California’s investment in the SGIP will make batteries affordable for more homeowners than ever. But these new $850 and $1,000 SGIP incentives could be canceled in the future. If you think you may be eligible, you may want to act soon.

Ready to go solar? Call us at 800-685-1850 or click below to get started.