New Hampshire

Does solar make sense in New Hampshire

May 20, 2021 | 4min read

New Hampshire is playing catch-up with the rest of the United States when it comes to solar power, however, incentives and benefits programs are delivering results that show solar makes sense in New Hampshire. Installing a solar power system on your home can help you:

·  Reduce energy bills

·  Earn tax credits

·  Support a cleaner environment and sustainability

Here’s a closer look at the positive impact of making the switch to solar in New Hampshire.

Pricing benefits and incentives for New Hampshire’s residential solar power customers that make solar make sense in New Hampshire

Many homeowners are interested in the bottom line impact solar can have on their energy bill: Solar may save you money if you manage your power usage wisely after going solar. Here are some of the New Hampshire pricing benefits and incentives for having a solar power system that could help you save even more:

·  New Hampshire net metering provides you with energy bill credits for excess generated electricity sold back to the power grid; eligibility is restricted to installations up to 100 kW size, which includes the vast majority of residential systems.

·  Small PV systems program is designed to reward homeowners who have a solar power generating system. Systems of 10 kW size or smaller may receive a payment of $0.20/watt, up to $1,000 or up to 30% of the total facility cost, whichever is less.

These rates are based on information provided by the above link as of 26 April 2021

·  Local property tax exemption means homeowners do not pay any extra property tax based on the potential value a solar system can add to their home.

·  New Hampshire Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps homeowners invest in affordable energy solutions, via leasing, low-interest loans, and financing support.

·  Federal solar tax credit (also called Investment Tax Credit) allows a deduction from your federal taxes of 26% of the cost of your solar installation.

Incentive plans are typically changing and evolving, with a trend in more support for New Hampshire residents who want to add solar power systems to their home. Consult with your solar power dealer to learn which programs you are eligible for.

Does solar power work in New Hampshire?

New Hampshire may not have as many sunny days as other states, but there’s more than enough sunshine throughout the year to provide for efficient and affordable solar power production for residential customers. According to the New Hampshire Municipal Association, the local climate provides 33% more sunshine annually than in Germany, a world leader in solar, and cold temperatures actually help solar panels operate with greater efficiency.

The most important factors for solar energy production are shading, panel orientation, and panel angle. These can all be managed optimally by your solar power dealer and will play a larger role than the local climate in determining the best performance. Bottom line: solar energy is more than abundant enough in New Hampshire to make solar make sense in New Hampshire.

How you help the environment by switching to solar power

New Hampshire is beloved for its natural beauty and pristine environment, and preserving those gifts is a motivating factor for many homeowners to go solar. A solar power system for your New Hampshire home:

·  Reduces local greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

·  Shrinks your carbon footprint

·  Decreases fossil fuel dependence

·  Supports reduced local emissions and improved community health

Each homeowner and family that switches to solar is helping remove several tons of CO2 from the local environment annually. That makes a huge difference in New Hampshire and helps make it possible for ours and future generations to enjoy the unspoiled beauty of the White Mountains, Mount Monadnock, Lake Winnipesaukee, the Saco River and all the state’s pristine natural wonders.

Understand your New Hampshire solar power options

Many of your friends and neighbors are already making the change to solar, would you like to learn more about your options and the potential benefits? Contact Freedom Forever today and our team can share details about specific benefits in energy cost savings and sustainability, including a FREE quote for service.

Freedom Forever is a trusted partner for solar energy and we are excited to help you save money and the environment!

Ready to go solar? Call us at 800-685-1850 or click below to get started

Disclaimer: You should contact a qualified tax expert and consult with them. Neither Freedom Forever’s family of independent authorized dealers nor Freedom Forever itself can give you tax advice. A qualified tax professional will understand your situation and be able to give you the most relevant advice.