solar panel and electrical usage offset feature

Solar panels and electricity usage offset

Your electricity usage offset is the amount of power your solar produced divided by the amount of power your home used that year.
how to choose an electric provider in texas feature

How to choose a retail electric provider in Texas

Going solar in Texas? You have a big decision to make. You must choose a retail electric provider. Thankfully, Texas provides a web-based resource to help.
how to end high utility bills feature

How to end high utility bills

High utility bills are a nightmare. Thankfully there are things you can do to save energy that are eligible for bill subsidies in some states.
sdge proposing new fees feature

SDG&E, California cities propose rate hikes on solar energy

SDG&E is seeking a large increase in the fee that they charge solar home owners for grid maintenance. A hearing on the fee will happen in spring of 2020
can solar panels elimintate my electric bill feature

Can solar panels reduce my electric bill

Solar panels can eliminate your electric bill, but it won't automatically happen. Find out what you can do to help cut your electric bill down.
how to fix high utility

How to fix and avoid high utility bills

Sick of paying high utility bills? Here are bill "hacks" to fix and avoid high utility bills. You can even get financial incentives for some of these hacks!
FF Blog 051719 feature GB 1

Benefits of home solar panels

Home solar panels provide more benefits than just saving you money on electricity. They can also add value to your home and help it sell faster.
FF Blog 041919 feature GB

How long will it take for solar panels to pay for themselves

The national average for the time that it takes for solar panels to pay for themselves is 8 - 10 years. Other states take longer. It takes 10 years in Arkansas
sacramento utility district hits solar owners with new fees feature

Sacramento Utility District hits solar owners with new fees

The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) is levying new solar-only fees that will charge home solar system owners based on the size of their system. According to SMUD, the new fees are meant to charge solar owners for something they already pay for, grid maintenance.
pge bankruptcy will hit ratepayers and home solar hard feature

PG&E Bankruptcy will hit ratepayers and home solar hard

PG&E filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Jan. 29th 2019 due to wildfires caused by their equipment. Ratepayers will bear the brunt of court awards
so cal edison hits home solar with a rate change feature

So Cal Edison hits home solar with a rate change

So Cal Edison announced new Time-of-use rates that will hit home solar power system owners hard. The new rates will move peak hours to later in the evening, after home solar systems have stopped producing power. It will also reduce daylight rates to super off peak…
rooftop solar and net metering the facts feature

Rooftop solar and net metering: The facts

Net metering is a method of supplying electricity to the grid from your home solar power system that your utility company then pays you for. 38 states have net metering policies in place. Even in states that don't have net metering policies, you can still make…