How to power up system

How to restart your Freedom Forever solar system

February 20, 2021 | 2min read

Once your electric utility provider has given its permission to operate your system, you can begin to reap the benefits of going solar. In the event of a power outage, your Freedom Forever solar system should turn itself back on automatically. In the event that your solar system doesn’t restart automatically, you can follow these steps to perform a full shutdown and restart your system. 

How to shut down your Freedom Forever solar system

Shutting down your Freedom Forever solar system begins with shutting down the inverter. The inverter is a white box that we installed near your home’s electrical meter. On it, you will see a large, round black switch and a much smaller red toggle switch. Push the red switch to the right, and turn the black switch to ‘off’. The red switch is small and hard to find; look for it in between the two white boxes that make up your system’s inverter. It will be on the left-hand side of the inverter.

Next, locate the small grey box mounted on the side of your home. The box will have a lever on the side. Move the lever to the ‘off’ position. Lastly, locate your home’s main breaker panel. Open it and locate the solar PV switch. Move that switch to the ‘off’ position. Now your Freedom Forever solar system is completely shut down.

How to switch on your Freedom Forever solar system

Important: If your system has been installed but you have not yet received permission to operate, you are not allowed to switch your system on until the electric utility provider has given its permission to operate.

These instructions are the exact reverse of the instructions used to shut your system down. Begin at your home’s main breaker panel. Open it and locate the solar PV switch. Move that switch to the ‘on’ position.

Next, find the small grey box with a lever on the side of it. Move that lever to the ‘on’ position. Once that’s done, go to the inverter (large white box) and turn the large round black switch to the ‘on’ position. Then locate the small, red, switch that is in between the two boxes that make up the inverter. Push that switch to the left, and your system should switch on.

How do I know that my system is working?

Once all the steps are completed, you will see LEDs flashing and the display screen will turn on. Initially, you’ll see two flashing LEDs, one green and the other blue. They flash while your system is waking up. When the system has restarted, those LEDs will turn solid green and solid blue. You should also see the word ‘on’ displayed on the screen. Your system is now powered up.

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