Sunrun monitoring system

How to monitor your solar system: Sunrun

February 17, 2021 | 2min read

February 17th, 2021

Sunrun monitors your system and its performance to ensure it performs at its best. If you want to know how much power your system is producing along with other useful information, you can use the My Sunrun monitoring software to watch the performance of your system.

How to log into My Sunrun

Check your emailFreedom Forever will send you an email to sign up for Sunrun monitoring. If you can’t find the email, don’t worry. You can just visit and click “First visit to the website?” You will then be taken to a page where you’ll be prompted to enter an email and password. Once you’ve done that, you can sign in to My Sunrun and begin monitoring your system.

The My Sunrun mobile app

You can find the Sunrun app in the Google Play Store (Android) or the Apple Store (iPhone). Download the app for your phone. After you’ve created your password, you’ll be able to log in on the mobile app to monitor your system.



How to use the Sunrun monitoring portal

When you log in, you’ll see a bar graph that shows you how much power your system is producing by the day, week, month, or year. You can compare that information with how much power you actually use to see how much of your monthly power usage compares to the amount of power your system is producing. You can also see how much carbon your solar system is offsetting. As your system generates solar energy, the monitoring portal will share fun facts with you about the benefits that your solar energy provides the planet.

If your system includes batteries, you will see power consumption information. You can also request to see additional information such as how much power individual solar panels are producing.

Keep in mind that as a Sunrun solar PPA customer, the amount of power you purchase from Sunrun is the amount of power that is listed in your contract. The amount of power your system produces doesn’t affect your bill with Sunrun. But you may want to keep an eye on your power production for other reasons.

Want to share the good news? Sunrun might pay you for it

A unique feature of the Sunrun monitoring portal is that you can refer others to Sunrun through it. The portal allows you to share your system’s performance, and cost savings with others via social media and other ways. If someone you refer to Sunrun decides to go solar with them, you will receive a referral reward. The Sunrun monitoring portal allows you to track the progress of any referrals you sent to Sunrun. You will be notified anytime anyone you refer to Sunrun goes solar with them.