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Which Appliances and Activities Use the Most Energy in My House?

Have you ever wondered where all that energy in your home is going and how you can reduce your electricity bills? Understanding which appliances and activities consume the most energy in your house is the first step towards making your home more energy efficient. Energy usage…
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How to Prepare for and Manage a Power Outage with Solar

Solar power is a dependable and eco-friendly energy source, but occasional power outages due to storms, equipment failures, and even wildlife interference can still occur. It’s essential to be ready and know how to handle backup power during such situations, especially if outages in your area…
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Why Adding a Battery to Your Solar System Is a Game-Changer

You are gathered at home during the hottest (or coldest) time of year, entertaining a hungry crowd, and without warning the power goes out. You think to yourself, “What am I going to do now… Is it time to consider a solar panel system with a…
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14 reasons to fall in love with solar power

This time of year, love is in the air and there’s electricity all around! We might be biased, but we believe there are so many reasons to LOVE solar power for your home or business. In fact, we have 14 reasons why we’ve fallen hard for…
what are the risks of going solar in california feature

Solar in California: Opportunities and risks to know

When going solar in California, there are two main risks. Loss of power during blackouts and evening electricity use causing high utility bills. Both of these risks can be mitigated with home batteries.
What are the risks of going solar in Texas Featured

Solar in Texas: Opportunities and risks to know

There are two main risks of going solar in Texas. The first is choosing the wrong retail electric provider. The second is what if your system quits working?
What are the risks of going solar in Colorado featured

Solar in Colorado: Opportunities and risks to know

There are just a few risks when going solar in Colorado. The main risk is of losing out on savings if you go solar the wrong way.
What are the risks of going solar in Nevada Featured

Solar in Nevada: Opportunities and risks to know

Going solar in Nevada has very few risks thanks to the fact that Nevada is the only state that guarantees its citizens the right to generate their own power
What are the risks of going solar in Florida featured

Solar in Florida: Opportunities and risks to know

There are two risks when going solar in Florida. First, you may find your savings is less than expected if you don't understand how net metering works.
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Solar in Rhode Island: Opportunities and risks to know

The risks of going solar in Rhode Island are few and far between. The biggest risk is if you wait too long and lose some current incentives
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Solar in Utah: Opportunities and risks to know

You face three risks of going solar in Utah. Not understanding how the tax rebates work, Not understanding how you are compensated, and system failure.
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Solar in Massachusetts: Opportunities and risks to know

There are only a few risks of going solar in Massachusetts to consider, and with careful planning, those risks are easily overcome