Does solar make sense in Massachusetts

May 19, 2021 | 2min read

Solar makes a lot of sense in Massachusetts thanks to the state’s generous incentive programs. As of the time of writing, the state offers solar incentives through its investor-owned utilities, low-interest loans, and a personal income tax credit. Additionally, residential solar systems may be eligible for payments of up to 31 cents per kilowatt-hour under the Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) program. There is also an incentive program for homeowners who want to install home batteries.

Massachusetts renewable income offer

The Massachusetts renewable income offer is a tax credit for 15% of a solar system’s cost up to a maximum of $1,000. Since this is a tax credit against the amount of state tax you pay in Massachusetts, you must have paid income tax in Massachusetts to be eligible for the credit. Solar systems are also exempt from sales tax in Massachusetts and from property taxes.

You should contact a qualified tax expert and consult with them. Neither Freedom Forever’s family of independent authorized dealers nor Freedom Forever itself can give you tax advice. A qualified tax professional will understand your situation and be able to give you the most relevant advice.

Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART)

Massachusetts’ SMART program pays a per-kilowatt incentive to homeowners whose solar systems provide power to the grid. Customers are eligible to participate in the program for 10 years. The rate that solar owners are compensated at ranges from 29 cents to 31 cents per kilowatt-hour. The regular rate that Massachusetts customers pay for electricity is around 20 cents per kilowatt-hour.  The program provides higher incentives for low-income customers and for those who install home batteries.

Net metering in Massachusetts

Massachusetts residents enjoy one of the most generous net metering programs in the country. Solar system owners get 100% of the value of the electricity they supply to the grid. The compensation includes the value of the fees charged for basic service, distribution, transmission, and transition.

Massachusetts ConnectedSolutions home battery incentives

The Massachusetts ConnectedSolutions home battery program enables homeowners with battery systems to earn incentives by allowing the state to draw power from their batteries when needed. According to the masssave website, most battery owners will never even notice it when this happens. The program pays $225 per kilowatt contributed during the summer, and $50 per kilowatt in the winter. Homeowners must have the right inverter used in their systems to qualify for this program.

Freedom Forever is ready to help you go solar in Massachusetts

Solar makes sense in Massachusetts thanks to the state’s generous incentive programs. Freedom Forever’s family of independent authorized dealers are ready to help you get the most out of going solar and will help you qualify for the valuable incentives that make going solar in Massachusetts such an incredible value. Just click or call to get started

Ready to go solar in Massachusetts? Call us at 800-685-1850 or click below to get started.